Roatan Real Estate is appealing to K Zeta-Jones and Michael D

Roatan Real Estate is appealing to K Zeta-Jones and Michael D

The actors Catherine Z. Jones and Michael Douglas, were visiting the paradisiacal Islas de la Bahía, for their interest in Roatan Real Estate, north of Honduras, where they contemplate a future investment in the tourism sector, according to reports in the area.

This is not the first time the couple has visited Roatan.

The place has been frequented by the famous Hollywood couple for several years, where as part of their vacations, they make a stopover in catracha lands, to seek to escape the cold North American winter.

According to reports from the island’s media, the actor, Douglas, would have acquired an area of ​​almost six hectares, in which he is looking to invest to establish a tourism center.

In addition, he held a meeting with the mayor of José Santos Guardiola and a dinner with Dino Silvestri, governor of the Bay Islands to talk about Roatan Real Estate.

Also, Douglas reported bought approximately 14 acres four years ago in Santos Guardiola, this place is located in the eastern part of Roatán.

It has been told tha he had not revealed his objective with the purchase of this land, however, on this trip, he was accompanied by a group of tourism experts to advise him as to what can be built in the place.

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“I want to thank Michael and his wife and their 2 children for inviting me to dinner, and I want him to know that he is welcome to Santos Guardiola, who is very interested in developing Santos Guardiola,” Sterling Lucas wrote on his social media. referring to the couple.

At last, José Santos Guardiola is part of the four municipalities of the department of Islas de la Bahía. Also, this is a destination that has different attractions that tourists know little about.

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